While the term shiatsu simply means "finger pressure", this modality is based on the same wholistic principles as acupuncture whereby illness and dis-ease result from imbalances or blockages of the body.
When imbalances occur, the shiatsu practitioner will use gentle to deep pressure on the body with the use of fingers, palms, elbows and feet to allow for the free flow of vital life force, often referred to as qi (pronounced as chee) or energy.
No oil is needed for this modality as the pressure, kneading, tapping and stretching can all be achieved though clothing.
Just like acupuncture (without the needles) shiatsu can be used to treat imbalances that result in numerous conditions including dis-ease, musculoskeletal dysfunction, digestive issues and emotional conditions.
While this modality can feel very gentle, it is particularly effective in regards to both the restoration and maintenance of overall health.
When treating animals, techniques using the palms of the hands and fingers are used with positive outcomes and very balanced, relaxed and happy animals.