Our herbal products are produced by the use of an solvent that has the ability to extract the active ingredients from both soft herbs and leaves and tough roots, nothing is left behind.
Alfalfa ↓
Medicago sativa - Named by the Arabs as "father of all foods" due its nutritive composition, this plant is rich in soluble sugars, proteins, fibre, carbohydrates and lipids.
Minerals include potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, iron and zinc and vitamins (E, K, and β-carotene).
Aids digestive health, diabetes and urinary infections.
Burdock ↓
Arctium lappa - For centuries Burdock root has been used in both traditional herbal medicine and Chinese medicine to treat numerous ailments including upper respiratory colds, inflammation and most notably as a detoxifying herb.
Burdock has been known to contain both antibacterial and antifungal qualities and is useful in the elimination of biofilms - large colonies of bacteria.
Burdock has the abilility to cleanse and purify the blood, has a role as a diuretic and the ability to improve skin and coat health.
Rich in antioxidants it is believed to lower blood sugar levels and contains constituents that may slow the growth of tumours.
Calendula ↓
Calendula officinalis - Opening as the the sun rises and closing as the sun sets...Calendula has long been regarded as "Herb of the sun".
As a topical treatment, the extract can be used as an antiseptic when cleaning wounds, will soothe irritated tissue and will precipitate cellular regeneration. In addition to its first aid uses, Calendula is beneficial in the treatment of digestive upset, circulatory and lymphatic support and as a blood cleanser.
Celery Seed ↓
Apium graveolens - While celery can often be found on the dinner table, in herbal medicine we take advantage of the numerous benefits that are contained in the seeds from what is known as wild celery.
Most commonly used as a mild diuretic, to aid in the circulation of fluids and the removal of toxins, celery will support urinary health and will also aid rheumatoid and arthritic conditions.
With actions including carminitive, the slightly sedating properties will aid in relaxation while the warming effect will help to comfort a horse that is fatigued or run down.
Chamomile ↓
Matricaria chamomilla - Originally named by the ancient Greeks as "Earth apple" due to the aroma of the plant when walked over or crushed resembling the scent of apples, was soon transformed to the common name of "Chamaimelon" otherwise known as "ground apple".
Such a popular herb amongst animal owners for its ability to relax nervous tension and to ease digestive disorders, especially when associated with nervous irritability. Chamomile also contains anti ulcer actions and has been noted for its ability to both inhibit ulceration and reduce the healing time. While the listed conditions are frequently treated using Chamomile, the actions of this herb extend beyond irritability and gastric health.
ACTIONS- mild nervous system sedative, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-emetic, carminative, anti-microbial, vulnerary, anti-ulcer, anti-allergic.
Chasteberry ↓
Vitex agnus-castus - In 450 BC, Hippocrates documented using Vitex to treat inflammation, to expel afterbirth and to treat an enlarged spleen. 500 years later Dioscorides discussed the application of vitex for hormonal regulation and the nervous system.
In current times, hormonal imbalances causing symptoms including tenderness and irritability can be treated using Chaste berry for a period in excess of 12 weeks. In some case’s relief won't be experienced under the 12 week time frame.
Clivers ↓
Galium aparine - Rich in the mineral silica for healthy skin, hair, nails (hooves) and connective tissue.
Well documented for its support of the Lymphatic system in particular, lymphatic drainage and relief of lymphatic congestion, Clivers should be considered in cases where lymph flow is sluggish.
As a soothing demulcent this herb is indicated in conjunction with other herbs to treat urinary tract infections.
Dandelion Root ↓
Taraxacum officinale - In traditional Chinese and Native American medicine, dandelion root was traditionally used for the treatment of stomach and liver conditions.
Fast forward to current times, we love to use dandelion root to support the liver and kidneys and cleanse the blood.
ACTIONS - Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Liver enzyme induction, Choleretic (increases the flow of bile)
Devils Claw ↓
Harpagophytum procumbens - Used for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, Devils claw may aid in an anti arthritic application and is helpful when used to treat degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
As a bitter herb, digestive function will be stimulated increasing the production of saliva, stomach acid and digestive enzymes.
For this reason, if your horse has been diagnosed with gastric ulcers, it is highly recommended that you do not use this herb.
Dong Quai ↓
Angelica polymorpha - The use of Dong quai root dates back to over a thousand years where it was originally used as a spice and a tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Also referred to as "female genseng', it has often been taken along side other herbs to relieve menstrual cramps, irregular menstrual cycles and menopausal symptoms.
Dong quai benefits the mare's reproductive system and is also beneficial as a blood tonic, resulting in a glossy coat and strong hooves.
Echinacea ↓
Echinacea purpurea – Used for centuries for the treatment of the common cold and upper respiratory infections, this herb is most well known as an immuno – modulator and stimulator, antimicrobial and lymphatic.
It is less commonly referred to as an anti-inflammatory, detoxifyer, anti-allergic and as an alterative (slowly restores and rebalances the function of the body).
Euphorbia ↓
Euphorbia hirta –Is used for female disorders, cough, respiratory weakness and disorders, digestive disorders and tumours in Ayurvedic medicine.
Cross culturally this herb has widely been used to treat hypertension, skin conditions and has been of benefit when treating asthma. Studies have demonstrated antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.
Eyebright ↓
Euphrasia officinalis – As the name suggests, eyebright is used to treat inflammatory conditions of the eyes as well as injuries in the surrounding tissue.
Euphrasia is also a valuable herb in treating hay fever, sinus congestion, headache originating from sinus congestion, coughs and respiratory congestion.
Field Melilot ↓
Melilotus officinalis – Recognized as yellow sweetclover, this esteemed medicine is praised for its emollient with carminitive properties.
As an anti inflammatory, it was historically used to ease inflammation of the eye and in current days is best known for its anti inflammatory and lymphatic actions.
Ginger ↓
Zingiber officinale – This beautifully warming herb has long been used to enhance the flavour of numerus dishes and many of us have experienced its ability to soothe the stomach and even to reduce stomach cramps and gas as it increases the secretion of saliva, stimulating enzymes of the gastro intestinal tract.
Often recommended for motion sickness, increases circulation and detoxifies the body.
Golden Seal ↓
Hydrastis canadensis – Praised for its ability to treat upper respiratory infections, sinusitis and skin conditions, golden seal is also anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.
As a bitter herb that nourishes and restores mucous membranes and also functions as an immuno-stimulant.
Gota Kola ↓
Centella asiatica – A member of the carrot family and found in many home gardens referred to as pennywort. In Europe it was referred to a sheep rot as it was believed that the plant caused the rotting of sheep.
Noted as an extremely powerful spiritual herb in India and referred to as “Brahmi” in Ayurvedic medicine due to its ability to obtain knowledge of the spiritual being.
Today this herb is used as a nervine and to support and strengthen the nervous system, to enhance memory and cognition via stimulation to the brain via cerebral blood circulation.
Increases the speed of wound healing and promotes the repair of connective tissue, coat and hooves.
Hops ↓
Humulus lupulus – Well known for the reason why beer tastes like beer, a study found that drinking non alcoholic beer (including hops) promoted sleep and lowered anxiety.
In herbal medicine, hops in tincture or dried form will also help with sleep disorders including insomnia, will relax the nervous system and will relieve irritability and nervousness.
Horse Radish ↓
Armoracia rusticana – This pungeant plant has long been used as a condiment not only for its strong taste, but also for its potential to aid digestion after a heavy meal.
With the power to clear sinus congestion and ease cold and flu symptoms, horse radish also contains antibiotic properties, is rich in Vitamin C and as a diaphoretic will induce sweating.
As a diuretic is useful in treating urinary infections, will stimulate blood and lymph flow and externally can be used as an invigorating poultice to increase circulation to soft tissue.
Horsetail ↓
Equisetum arvense – The latin name for this herb dates back to Roman and Greek times - “equus” translating to horse and “seta” translating to bristle.
Often prescribed in the treatment of osteoperosis to strengthen bone and improve density, horsetail is rich in the mineral silica. This will also promote skin, coat, hoof growth and strength.
Traditionally this herb was used as a diuretic and therefore was used to treat problems relating to the urinary system.
ACTIONS - Immunostimulant, WBC stimulant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, anti-hemorrhagic, hemostatic, vulnerary, connective tissue tonic, anti-rheumatic.
Marshmallow ↓
Althea officinalis – As a demulcent (relieving irritation of the mucous membrane by forming a protective film) this herb can be used to treat the gastrointestinal system, the respiratory system (easing irritating coughs) and the urinary system, including urinary tract infections and kidney issues.
Often used for scouring and colic, marshmallow can be used to treat horses with stomach issues including ulcers, as the polysaccharides from marshmallow root create a protective mucilage layer that protects the stomach from excess acid and reduces irritated mucous membranes aiding in the healing of ulceration.
Meadowsweet ↓
Filipendula ulmaria – The unique aroma of this plant closely resembling a combination of vanilla and honey reflects exactly why it was named Meadowsweet!
This stunning plant contains salicylic compounds and is known to cool the body and relieve an irritated gastro intestinal tract, soothing irritated mucous membranes while reducing excess acidity and therefore offering protection to the stomach and relieving gastric upset/nausea.
Aids in the alleviation of heartburn and diarrhoea and will reduce fever, however is most often used as an anti inflammatory for horses suffering from arthritic, joint and musculo skeletal issues.
As an anti inflammatory this herb also has the potential to soothe and protect the digestive tract.
Mugwort ↓
Artemisia vulgaris – Historically Mugwort was planted by the side of roads by the Romans so that it was readily available for soldiers to place in their shoes to help relieve their aching feet.
As an essential oil, the aerial parts are used to produce an intoxicating earthy fragrance, whereas in Traditional Chinese Medicine the dried plant is burnt as a form of heat therapy called “moxa” where it is placed just above the skin, over an acupuncture point to both create warmth, stimulate the flow of Qi and eliminate pathogens.
Mugwort has also been used for smudging and it has been said that placing it under your pillow will induce vivid dreams.
As a bitter herb, Mugwort is a digestive stimulant, promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes.
Commonly used as a nervine to relax horses who are displaying nervous anxiety or sensitivity.
Mullein ↓
Verbascum thapsus – This strikingly tall, upright plant is composed of silver, wooly leaves extending up to eight feet high capped off by a spike of densely populated yellow flowers.
Regularly seen on roadsides, this somewhat common plant was once believed to be credited with power over witches and evil spirits.
Beneficial for treating respiratory conditions by reducing inflammation whist stimulating the production of fluid therefore facilitating expectoration. While Mullein is the herb of choice for irritable coughs, it is also highly recommended for deep cough that causes discomfort and pain.
Nettle ↓
Greater - Urtica dioica – With countless applications, Nettle far exceeds its title of a pesky weed that creates a sting!
Rich in iron and Vitamin C, Nettles are regarded as a tonic to strengthen the entire body while its diuretic action increases the removal of uric acid and aids in the treatment of edema and arthritis where swollen joints are concerned. Where degenerative and chronic conditions of the musculoskeletal system exist including gout and myalgia, Nettles plays an important role in easing the discomfort.
Prescribed specifically for skin conditions including eczema especially in combination with other herbs.
ACTIONS - Anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, mild hypoglycemic, diuretic, anti-hemorrhagic, hemostatic, detoxifier, vasodilator, circulatory stimulant, hypotensive, nutritive, galactagogue, astringent, expectorant, anti-allergic, anti-rheumatic.
Passion Flower ↓
Passiflora incarnata – A beautiful climbing shrub producing an exquisitely delicate flower that transforms into a large fruit, it obtained its name from the Italian “fiore della passione” referencing the resemblance to the crucifixion.
Where restlessness and insomnia persist, passionflower will aid a transition to a restful uninterrupted sleep free from the feeling of being hung over as is often experienced if using narcotics to aid sleep.
Offering support and relaxing the CNS, it contains sedative properties that will relive nervous tension, irritability and anxiety, soothe headaches and as an antispasmodic will help resolve muscle spasm.
Yellow Dock ↓
Rumex crispus – Most often recommended as a detoxifying herb where chronic toxicity is has lead to debilitation and where skin conditions have resulted . For itchy irritated skin it can be used topically.
Used to treat gastro intestinal complaints and sluggish digestion, will support the liver and alleviate a dry irritated cough, a chronic sore throat and as a laxative, eases constipation.
Red Clover ↓
Trifolium pratense – Traditionally used as an alterative, (blood cleanser – restoring the function of the body) red clover is extremely valuable for any chronic condition of toxicity such as in the treatment of skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis.
For skin conditions such as rainscald, after debilitating illness, post surgery or after high dose of meds, it is suggested as a part of a detox used in combination with herbs including burdock root and yellow dock.
As an expectorant it should be considered in cases of bronchitis and coughs.
ACTIONS – Alterative, antispasmodic, expectorant.
Rose Hips ↓
Rosa canina – Grown from the wild dog rose, the fruit known as the hips are picked from the tall plant, covered white flowers that boast a divine fragrance once the petals drift from the plant.
Containing 50% more Vitamin C than oranges, they promote a healthy immune system and can be used to both prevent and shorten the duration of an upper respiratory cold, has a role as an antihistamine and encourages circulation and the healthy growth of coat and hooves. When offered after a traumatic experience, the high Vitamin C content will support the nervous system easing distress.
Often referred to as the skin vitamin, rosehips contain a high Vitamin A content which may aid in the regeneration of skin cells and is particularly helpful in healing wounds, can prevent both bacterial and viral infections and supports the immune system when fighting infections.
Boosting circulation and promoting hoof growth, rosehips is beneficial for treating hoof conditions such as laminitis.
Skullcap ↓
Scutellaria lateriflora – The name of this plant was derived from the delicate blue flowers that evolve as two tongue shaped petals, bearing resemblance to the helmets of European soldiers.
Traditionally consumed as a herbal tea by the American Indians, it was found to relax the nervous system while having the ability to revive the CNS and therefore while soothing the nerves, unlike other sedating herbs, it does not induce drowsiness.
Slippery Elm Bark ↓
Ulus rubra - Native to North America, the indigenous people used this plant topically to treat burns, heal skin irritations and wounds and internally to soothe irritated, sore throats and to ease digestive complaints and diarrhea.
The tree’s bark has a distinct odour and it is the inner bark that is cultivated, dried and ground to a fine powder for its use as a medicine.
Well known for its mucilage consistency when moisture is added, this highly nutritious herbal gel is applied to areas of the mouth, throat, stomach and intestines soothing inflammatory conditions and further stimulating nerve endings in the gastro intestinal tract thus increasing mucous secretion offering protection against excess acidity and ulceration.
When treating horses for gastric upset, the powder can be mixed with water or chamomile tea (which will further relax the digestive tract) to form a toothpaste consistency and may be further combined with live yoghurt, honey or banana before being either syringed directly into the mouth or added to a simple plain feed.
Externally, this herb can be used to treat hoof abscesses in horses and for dogs, can be used to draw grass seeds and such from the skin. To make a poultice, combine Slippery elm powder with water to form a toothpaste consistency to be made into a poultice.
Safe to use for young animals to seniors internally however please read the warning below in terms of this herb lowering absorption of medications.
WARNING - It is important to note that due to the demulcent, mucilage nature of this herb and its ability to line the digestive tract, it must not be fed with nutritional supplements or medication as it may lower the absorption rate.
It is also highly recommended for the same reason that this herb is not offered for an extended period of time. Highly nutritious, owners will see positive results in horses who may suffer from debilitating conditions at the onset of treatment, however long term (after 12-16 weeks 3-4 months) the absorption of vital nutrition may be reduced due to the ability of the Slippery Elm Bark to line the gi tract and over time to form a barrier.
ACTIONS - Demulcent, emollient, expectorant, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, nutritive.
St John's Wort ↓
Hypericum perforatum – Dating back to Ancient Greek times, this plant composed of straggly green leaves and crowned with yellow flowers was used to treat numerous ailments including depression, nervous tension and anxiety as well as lacerations and burns to the skin.
It can now be found throughout most temperate climates of the world and is renowned for its use to treat depression and anxiety, neuralgia and myalgia and as a vulnerary is excellent in the treatment of burns and wounds.
Is antiviral, an anti oxidant and a neuroprotective agent.
St Mary's Thistle ↓
Silybum marianum – A rapidly growing herb which has been classified as a noxious weed, can grow to over a metre in height and can easily lay down seed and flourish in soil that is dry and rocky.
Composed of spiny deep green leaves which appear to be mottled, it was said to be this way from a drop of the Virgin Mary’s milk falling on the leaves. With prickles found at the base, this plant also beholds a long stalk featuring a deep pinkish purple flower with prickles on the underside offering protection to allow the plant to re seed and for the pattern of life to continue.
With such protection from the flower you may have seen the horses turn their lips inside out to protect them from the numerous prickles adoring the flowers as their teeth pull the delectable seeds from the plant, consuming each and every one.
The collective compounds known as silymarin have antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Widely used to proliferate diseased liver cells and to further protect them, this herb has been used in cases of drug and alcohol abuse which has resulted in liver damage.
Thuja ↓
Thuja occidentalis – A large native American tree widely used in homeopathy, in folk law this plant was used to treat bronchial catarrh, urinary tract infections, rheumatism as well as psoriasis.
Evaluated in countless studies, herbalists attribute Thuja to have immune supporting potential, activating lymphatic flow assisting lymphatic drainage.
Valerian Root ↓
Valeriana officinalis – A rich green plant growing to a height of 1.5 metres producing soft pale pink and white flowers with a sweet perfume during the Summer months.
A renowned medicine during times of ancient Greece and Rome, its properties were described by Hippocrates and later prescribed by Galen as a remedy for insomnia.
Placed on the wedding clothes of grooms in medieval Sweden to ward off the “envy” elves and prescribed for sick women to sip as valerian tea.
In current times Valerian is one of the most popular and readily available herbs on the market.
Safe to use for nervous tension, and anxiety and is said to promote a restful sleep.
As an antispasmodic Valerian relaxes muscular cramping, neuralgia and will ease digestive cramps.
When headaches and migraines are associated with tension, Valerian will alleviate the pain without causing a concentration deficit and is free from the risk of dependency.
White willow - Salix alba – Records dating back to 500BC from Chinese physicians make White willow one of the most ancient herbs to be used as an analgesic, anti inflammatory and to reduce fever.
Greek physicians Dioscorides, Hippocrates and Galen recommended this herb in the treatment of fever and pain and the native American tribes including the Cherokee, Blackfoot and Eskimo people would infuse a closely related plant in boiling water to make a tea to ease muscular pain, rheumatism, headaches and fever.
The Europeans used White willow to suppress vomiting, ease pain and fever and for the removal of warts.
Today this plant is still widely used for its analgesic and anti inflammatory actions and is praised for its ability for not causing gastro intestinal upset.